
雙白帶野螟(Hymenia perspectalis)是草螟科(Crambidae)斑野螟亞科(Spilomelinae)的成員。本種的前翅為灰褐色底,外中線為白色,由前緣延伸至約中央,中室前端有一個白色圓斑,中線為白色,由中室向下延伸至後緣,內線為白色;後翅亦為黑褐色底,中線為白色寬帶。

A Brief Introduction:

Hymenia perspectalis represents the only speccies of Hymenia in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with Spoladea recurvalis. Three external characters could be applied to identified this two species: 1.grey-brownish ground colour with dark markings on the forewing of the former, while red-brownish ground colour with Green on the forewing of the latter; 2. the wite bands on forewing and hindwing undeveloped of the foremer than those of the latter.

創用CC條款創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW)創用CC 姓名標示-非商業性 4.0台灣(CC BY-NC 4.0 TW) 作者:施禮正 資料提供 臺灣蛾訊 MOTHS of Taiwan 上次更新 2013-07-17


的 Hymenia perspectalis Hübner, 1796 雙白帶野螟 臺灣分布紀錄


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