褐寬帶雙尾蛾(Monobolodes prunaria)是燕蛾科(Uraniidae)雙尾蛾亞科(Epipleminae)的成員。本種的前翅為黃褐色底,散布黑色細紋,沿前翅前緣有一大塊黑色斑,黑色斑靠翅中央有一個半圓形向下凸出,半圓斑外有橘色線,後緣中央有一個三角型黑色斑,外圍亦有橘色線;後翅亦為黃褐色底,散布黑色細紋,基部三分之一處有一條橘色線。寬帶雙尾蛾屬(Monobolodes)正式紀錄為四種,其屬級與另外三種中的兩種請參考本站物種解說:Monobolodes pernigrata (Warren, 1896) 圓翅寬帶雙尾蛾與Monobolodes simulans (Butler, 1889) 大褐寬帶雙尾蛾。
A Brief Introduction:
Monobolodes prunaria represents one of the four Monobolodes species in Taiwan and shares similar wing pattern with M. simulans. The former could be identified from the latter by the following characters: 1. central fascia narrow or uncontinous in the middle; 2. smaller body size.