Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and internal morphology (a, b, c) of seed
B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 2 D. Seedling, day 3
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (b, c) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a, b) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a, b) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 2 C. Seedling, day 5
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed
B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1
C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3
D. Seedling, day 5
E. Young juvenile, day 13
F. Young juvenile, day 37
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a, b, c) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Seedling, day 2
D. Seedling, day 4 E. Seedling, day 6 F. Seedling, day 10
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a,b,c) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Seedling, day 2
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a, b, c) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Seedling, day 10
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed, embryo (a) and section of embryo (b)
B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3 D. Seedling, day 7
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3
D. Seedling, day 5 E. Young juvenile, day 16 F. Young juvenile, day 29
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed B. Embryo C. Embryo
D. Radicle-emerged seed, day 2 E. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3 F. Radicle-emerged seed, day 6
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections ( a, b) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Seedling, day 3
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed and sections (a, b, c) of seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 3
Seeds of the economically important trees in Taiwan
A. Seed B. Radicle-emerged seed, day 1 C. Radicle-emerged seed, day 4
D. Seedling, day 11 E. Young juvenile, day 27 F. Young juvenile, day 58
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