白斑擬麗捲蛾(Eurydoxa indigena)是捲蛾科(Tortricidae)捲葉蛾亞科(Tortricinae)裳捲葉蛾族(Ceracini)的成員。本種的前翅狹長外緣中央向外突出,黑色底,沿前緣有許多米黃色縱紋,其餘部分則有許多米黃色斑點連結成橫帶,近翅外緣有一塊紅色斑紋;後翅為白色底,外緣靠頂角處有黑斑。
A Brief Introduction:
Eurydoxa is a tortricid genus with some day-flying members. Two species of Eurydoxa were recorded in Taiwan. One is E. indigena and the other is E. tetrakore. The wing pattern of the former is quite different from that of the latter, however, is very similar with that of Cerace stipatana formosana. E. indigena could be identified by the following characters: 1. without red marking in the middle of forewing; 2. red marking along outer margin.